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- TidBITS#64/03-Jun-91
- ====================
- Copyright 1990-1992 Adam & Tonya Engst. Non-profit, non-commercial
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- TidBITS -- 9301 Avondale Rd. NE Q1096 -- Redmond, WA 98052 USA
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Topics:
- MailBITS/03-Jun-91
- Claris Upgrades
- Wireless Network News
- More from the Mine
- Help Systems
- Reviews/03-Jun-91
- MailBITS/03-Jun-91
- ------------------
- I just had a nice experience that I thought I'd share. For the
- last month or so, my QMS-PS 410 laser printer has been making
- these groaning sounds at two separate spots in the paper path.
- Nothing seemed to be wrong, but I found the noises rather
- alarming, so I finally called QMS tech support. They weren't in,
- but Joseph from QMS called back shortly and said that QMS had
- noticed similar problems with Hammermill paper, and what sort of
- paper did I use? I told him about the Finch Laser Opaque (24 lb)
- that I'd been using for the last few months, and he suggested
- trying some plain old copier paper to see if the sounds went away.
- I tried some different paper, the sounds stopped, and I thought
- the case was closed. Much to my surprise, Joseph called me back
- today to see if the different paper had worked or if QMS should
- ship me a little cork piece that he said was probably the cause of
- the noise. Now that's what I call customer service!
- For those of you with similar printers using that Canon engine
- (the HP IIP and IIIP and the Apple Personal LaserWriter NT, SC,
- and LS), keep the solution in mind. I have the impression that the
- problem is engine-specific, and didn't just affect the QMS-PS 410
- (an otherwise very nice printer that I'm quite fond of).
- Claris Upgrades
- ---------------
- As expected, Claris recently announced Resolve, its spreadsheet
- based on Wingz technology, and upgrades to MacWrite, MacProject,
- and HyperCard. All designed for System 7, Resolve, MacWrite Pro,
- MacProject II 2.6, and HyperCard 2.1 share a number of key
- features such as help, spell checking, and a number of interface
- controls. They all support the standard System 7 features such as
- Publish and Subscribe and Apple Events, and HyperCard 2.1 will be
- able to control a fair amount of the traffic between them with
- System 7-specific messages.
- I saw a demo of Resolve and MacWrite Pro recently, and I was quite
- impressed. Resolve looks like a solid spreadsheet contender with a
- better interface than Wingz, its immediate ancestor. Resolve will
- not put Excel 3.0 out in the street, but it should combine well
- with the other Claris products for a powerful suite, although it
- may be a little confusing deciding whether to automate System 7
- stuff with Resolve's scripting language or with HyperTalk.
- MacWrite Pro should also do quite well for itself in the low-end
- word processor market with the addition of nicer interface
- features such as dockable palettes for styles and tools and
- whatnot (a dockable palette is one that shrinks to just the title
- bar and sticks itself out of the way in the upper right corner).
- Most interesting were the Add-Its, which are Claris's modules for
- MacWrite Pro (and eventually for all the Claris products). The
- Claris rep showed two useful Add-Its, a Post-It Note one that
- allowed you to stick a note anywhere in your document, and a Table
- Editor that added table creation and editing functions. Also
- planned is an Equation Editor, although I personally would use
- MathWriter 2.0 if I ever wrote equations, which I don't. :-)
- There's nothing new in the Claris announcement. What's more
- interesting is what's left out. For instance, we know that MacDraw
- is moving to MacDraw Pro with the upgrade for System 7, and even
- though FileMaker Pro already exists, Claris used the 'Pro'
- designation too early since it's not System 7-studly. There's no
- doubt that Claris will make FileMaker Pro System 7-studly at some
- point, but they may be putting it on the back burner (perhaps
- until the first quarter of 1992) for a while to finish up the
- Windows version of FileMaker Pro. Since the Windows database
- market is wide open, Claris would do well to put FileMaker out to
- users as quickly as possible, especially since people would be
- more likely to buy MacWrite and Resolve and MacDraw for Windows if
- they already had FileMaker and if the Windows versions had the
- same level of interoperability as the Mac versions. Still, Claris
- shouldn't wait on FileMaker Pro for the Mac too long, or it will
- risk losing out if Panorama or another competitor comes out with a
- truly System 7-studly version that works with other programs,
- including the Claris suite. Do note also that these were
- announcements, not releases, so it may be a while yet before these
- programs are all available. HyperCard 2.1 is available, since it's
- included in the Apple Personal Upgrade Kit, but the full Claris
- upgrade will be a little longer in arriving, perhaps in mid-June.
- MacWrite Pro will reportedly show up sometime in the fall, Resolve
- sometime in mid-summer, and no word on the others.
- Claris's announcement of HyperCard 2.1 has prompted the same level
- of fear and confusion as did the release of 2.0. Basically, if you
- buy the Personal Upgrade or the Group Upgrade from Apple, you get
- a fully-functional version of HyperCard 2.1. In addition, Claris
- says that if you've purchased HyperCard 2.0v2, you'll get a free
- upgrade (although I suspect that rests on you having sent in your
- registration card, so check on that). If you want the upgrade sent
- directly to you, call Claris now, and put in your name so they
- know to send it out to you as soon as possible.
- Like the version of HyperCard 2.0 that comes with Macs now,
- HyperCard 2.1 in the System 7 upgrade is set to a low user level
- and includes only a few stacks and little documentation. It is,
- and I repeat with emphasis to quiet the continual whining about a
- crippled HyperCard, a fully functional version. You can either
- type "magic" in the user level setting card of the Home stack or
- manually go in and set your user level to five. The word from
- Kevin Calhoun at Apple is that HyperCard 2.1 can of course use 2.0
- stacks, and HyperCard 2.0 can use 2.1 stacks. If you rely on any
- of the 2.1-specific features in your stacks, there's no guarantee
- what will happen if they are used in HyperCard 2.0. The best way
- to ensure that you won't have any problems is to check for the
- HyperCard version number in your scripts and exit the 2.1-specific
- scripts gracefully with a dialog that informs the user that the
- script requires 2.1.
- Of course, Kevin said, "it should be sufficient to say that I
- recommend 2.1 over 2.0 or 2.0v2 on System 6.0.5 and 6.0.7 as well
- as 7.0." Bug fixes (yes, Virginia, there is a bug fix) and
- enhancements (short of the System 7 enhancements) include the
- ability to print at any standard size to any printer (including
- the DeskWriter), the eradication of a rare memory leak bug, the
- ability to tell HyperCard what character to use in parsing lists
- (the itemDelimiter), the ability to override "start using," "stop
- using," and "set," and finally, the ability to tell the Picture
- XCMD whether or not the window should float, no matter what type
- it is. Thanks for sending that information along, Kevin.
- Claris -- 800/628-2100.
- Information from:
- Jim Lester -- lester@bronze.ucs.indiana.edu
- Steve Goldfield -- steve@violet.berkeley.edu
- Alan Coopersmith -- alanc@tsunami.Berkeley.EDU
- John O'Malley -- omalley@mace.cc.purdue.edu
- Jim Gaynor -- gaynor@agvax2.ag.ohio-state.edu
- Kevin Calhoun -- jkc@apple.com
- Wireless Network News
- ---------------------
- Lots of little bits on the wireless front. People often say that a
- technology won't really catch on until IBM gives it the OK. If so,
- it's looking good for wireless networking. IBM recently tested a
- couple of wireless networking schemes, one a radio frequency
- method that uses an unlicensed band at 920 MHz, the other an
- infrared system. True to form, IBM has not said whether or not it
- will use this technology in any products, but it's fairly likely
- that something will show up in the portables that IBM is surely
- working on to run GO's PenPoint OS. Handheld tablet computers need
- network connections to make up for equipment often left out of the
- machine (like mass storage and various different types of
- communication ports), and nothing fits the bill better than a
- wireless network.
- Connecting physically distant networks is usually difficult and
- expensive. However, Persoft Inc. has put together some (unnamed?)
- third-party hardware along with some custom software to allow two
- Ethernets to communicate via spread-spectrum radio waves up to 800
- feet apart (so it's not all that far, it's a start anyway).
- Apparently the bridge supports data throughput at rates up to 2
- Mbips, which isn't quite up to wired Ethernet's 10 Mbips, but it's
- still quite speedy. The package is a tad expensive at about $5000,
- but it's certainly cheaper than other sorts of wireless bridges
- that require licenses (such as microwaves) or line of sight access
- (like infrared).
- Infrared communication may be line of sight, but it can be fast.
- Like the existing PhotoLink infrared networking scheme, BICC
- Communications' InfraLAN uses transceivers mounted high on walls
- or on the ceiling to transmit and receive the infrared signals.
- Unlike PhotoLink, InfraLAN is fast. BICC claims 4 and 16 Mbips
- token ring rates, which is a good speed. I don't know enough about
- the pros and cons of token ring versus Ethernet to make any
- judgements there, but BICC will be releasing an Ethernet version
- sometime soon.
- California Microwave has a wireless LAN that does work with
- LocalTalk as well as Ethernet and any device that has an RS-232,
- RS-449/422, RS-485, or V.35 (whatever that is) port. It uses
- spread-spectrum technology, which allows it to broadcast
- omnidirectionally, unlike the infrared schemes, which are limited
- to line of sight transmission. Unfortunately, The Radio Link runs
- bit slowly, at 250 Kbips and a costs a fair amount at either $3450
- (for one port at a lower frequency) to $5280 (for eight ports at a
- higher frequency). Still, it's a step in the right direction,
- since it transmits within a 500 foot radius inside, and supposedly
- up to 5 miles if nothing blocks the transmission.
- No news yet on Apple's Data-PCS petition, but a couple of signs
- point toward an increase in wireless networking options. First,
- the FCC decided that when it gives out licenses for various parts
- of the radio spectrum it will give special treatment to applicants
- who want to do something innovative with the radio band. Personal
- communications certainly falls in that category, so I hope that
- something comes of it soon. The FCC has been busy, because it
- finally got around to creating the Technician class license for
- amateur radio use. The Technician class is limited to VHF and UHF
- frequencies above 30 MHz, but you do not have to learn Morse code
- to qualify for the license. So why is all this even mildly
- interesting? Many of the people who will fall into the Technician
- class want to use their computers to communicate with others over
- a packet radio network. I looked into the packet radio network a
- couple of years ago when the Technician class was first a proposal
- and decided that it was pretty neat, but that I just didn't have
- the background to get started with it for some time. If anyone who
- reads TidBITS knows about packet radio and would like to write an
- article, please let me know - I'd love to publish one.
- Persoft -- 608/273-6000
- BICC Communications -- 508/832-8650
- California Microwave -- 408/732-4000
- Related articles:
- PC WEEK -- 06-May-91, Vol. 8, #18, pg. 1
- PC WEEK -- 04-Mar-91, Vol. 8, #9, pg. 43
- InfoWorld -- 08-Apr-91, Vol. 13, #14, pg. 1
- InfoWorld -- 04-Mar-91, Vol. 13, #9, pg. 32
- InfoWorld -- 21-Jan-91, Vol. 13, #3, pg. 6
- COMMUNICATION WEEK -- 15-Apr-91, #347, pg. 29
- BYTE -- May-91, pg. 92NE-2
- More from the Mine
- ------------------
- Way back when in September of 1990 (i.e. the good old days :-)), I
- wrote about a controller interface device called the Gold Brick.
- The Gold Brick is an interesting idea - it acts as an interface
- between the Mac's ADB and a variety of 2-D and 3-D controllers
- made for Nintendo games. Back then, the Gold Brick was relative
- vapor, but it now appears that Transfinite Systems is shipping an
- upgraded version of the Gold Brick along with a cheaper interface
- for users, called the Nugget. The Gold Brick sells for $245 and
- the Nugget for $169, and although you could buy the Nintendo
- controllers from the company, they encourage users to look for
- cheaper prices in toy and electronics stores.
- The main upgrade to the Gold Brick is the ability to accept more
- in the way of 3-D input, so the device can now accept 3-D forward
- and backward signals, as well as roll controls. Needless to say,
- such ability greatly increases the controller's utility for
- interactive use with simulated 3-D objects. The other upgrade to
- the Gold Brick is the ability to work with the Nintendo Power Pad,
- which I've never seen, but which I gather is kind of like a game
- of Twister with electronic sensors built in. Such a device would
- be extremely useful for architects and engineers working with
- programs like Virtus WalkThrough, although you might need a lot of
- processing power to take advantage of the combination. The main
- Nintendo device that I would like to try with the Gold Brick is
- the Power Glove. It's a slightly scaled down version of the glove
- used by the virtual reality people, but is definitely a step in
- the right direction as far as computer controls go. I suspect that
- it wouldn't even be all that hard to combine the Power Glove
- technology with the Infogrip's chord keyboard technology so you
- could type on a virtual keyboard. I suppose that would produce a
- whole slew of hypochondriacs complaining of virtual repetitive
- strain injuries. :-)
- As much as the Gold Brick is impressive, Vivid Effects of Toronto
- has an even better idea. In Mandala, they've made the controller
- itself virtual by using a video camera attached to an Amiga and
- some custom hardware. The camera films you and can insert you into
- an animation from a paint program or into a laserdisc, at which
- point you can interact with the other entities in the reality to
- the extent the software allows. Currently, Vivid Effects has two
- versions, a high-end version that interfaces with a laserdisc and
- a low-end version that only requires a video camera and a
- digitizing board and is much cheaper, but can't work with the
- laserdisc.
- Using the virtual controller gives Mandala a number of advantages
- over current controller schemes. You don't have to wear goggles or
- a body suit or a glove or anything like that, and other people can
- join in the same reality with ease. In addition, the Mandala
- technology makes it easier to mix virtual controls with real ones,
- if for instance, you were in a cockpit simulation. Vivid Effects
- said that Mandala is quite popular, especially with science
- museums and the like because they could set up a virtual reality
- and let lots of visitors play with it. They expect a significant
- increase in popularity when they port the hardware to the Mac and
- the PC, since the Amiga, for all its features, is still a fairly
- limited market.
- Transfinite Systems -- 617/969-9570
- Vivid Effects -- 416/340-9290
- Information from:
- Transfinite System propaganda
- Vivid Effects representative
- Related articles:
- TidBITS#19/03-Sep-90
- MacWEEK -- 07-May-91, Vol. 5, #18, pg. 11
- Macworld -- Feb-91, pg. 127
- Help Systems
- ------------
- Most people have standard methods of figuring out what's wrong
- with their Macs. For some, it involves painstaking testing to test
- numerous INITs and applications in tandem; for others, like my
- parents and clients, it involves calling me. Most of the time when
- people call, I go through exactly the same process of eliminating
- as many variables as possible and then trying to remember if I've
- heard of any specific conflicts. With the amount of time I spend
- reading the nets and the magazines, I'm pretty good at it, but
- it's a pain to repeat the same process over and over again.
- Technosys, the people who created HyperBasic for programming XCMDs
- and XFCNs in BASIC, now have a tool that might help users
- eliminate many problems on their own, and possibly even before the
- problems crop up. Appropriately named Help!, the application
- creates a profile of your Mac, much like Now Software's Profiler,
- and then compares the results to a list of rules in its knowledge
- base. It then notifies the user of the problem and offers
- information on how to fix it, although it does no fixing on its
- own.
- I talked to Brian, the tech support manager at Technosys, and he
- said that they're looking at a late July/early August release. The
- program itself will probably be priced at around $149 retail, and
- a yearly subscription for updates to the program and to the
- knowledge base will be an addition $75 per year, which is
- extremely reasonable. In the initial versions of the program, you
- won't be able to add your own information because of the
- complexity of the knowledge base language, although the company is
- considering adding that ability later on. One of the problems with
- allowing users to modify the knowledge base is that putting
- incorrect information into the knowledge base renders it
- unreliable. Perhaps a system in which Technosys gathers
- suggestions from users and tests them would be safer?
- Help! will not attempt to fix any problems on its own, although
- that's something which Technosys certainly could build in.
- Ideally, using Apple Events, Help! could communicate with disk and
- file utilities such as Norton (once Norton 2.0 is out) and
- Disinfectant. Brian emphasized that they tried to avoid any
- favoritism in the recommendations, so if there are several
- competing products that can all fix a problem, they try to mention
- all of them. Of course, Help! will not help with any problems
- people have with completing tasks, although future versions will
- have application specific information. The problems that Help! can
- find and report include INIT conflicts, System 7 hardware and
- software problems, inappropriate hardware for certain
- applications, files in the wrong places due to incorrect
- installations, duplicate files (and importantly, multiple System
- folders, which can cause the strangest crashes), insufficient
- memory, and damaged files.
- Although Help! is perfect for most users, some people will still
- not want to mess with fixing anything themselves. Those people can
- run the application to create a profile of their Macs and send the
- profiles to the system administrator or consultant, who will then
- run them through the knowledge base and act on the
- recommendations. For large organizations, Technosys will have a
- site license available, although they haven't decided on the
- price.
- Help! sounds good to me - I just wish my parents had a Mac instead
- of a PC clone so I could give them Help!. I suppose I'm doomed to
- another few years of modifying CONFIG.SYS files and AUTOEXEC.BATs
- until I can convince them to buy a nice Macintosh. If Technosys
- really wanted to make a mint, they should port Help! over the PC
- world. I just got a call from someone having speed troubles with
- PageMaker 3.01 under Windows 3.0 running on a 4 MB 386 machine
- that also operates as a non-dedicated Novell server. That's the
- sort of thing for which Help! for the PC would be great (and no, I
- couldn't solve that problem over the phone :-)).
- Technosys -- 813/620-3494
- Information from:
- Brian, Tech Support Manager -- d3375@applelink.apple.com
- 73237.2370@compuserve.com
- Related articles:
- MacWEEK -- 07-May-91, Vol. 5, #18, pg. 12
- Reviews/03-Jun-91
- -----------------
- Spreadsheets, pg. 104
- Full Impact 2.0s
- Wingz 1.1a
- Excel 3.0
- * Macworld
- Macintosh Security Programs, pg. 122
- (too many to list)
- Color Scanners, pg. 130
- (too many to list)
- Erasable Optical Drives, pg. 138
- SimEarth 1.0, pg. 162
- Wacom Styluses, pg. 164
- SampleCell 1.1, pg. 169
- Ventura Publisher 1.0, pg. 170
- Descartes 1.01, pg. 175
- MapInfo 1.0, pg. 175
- MacSPIRS 2.0, pg. 177
- Studio/8 2.0, pg. 182
- ThoughtPattern 1.0, pg. 182
- VideoQuill 1.0, pg. 186
- QuoteMaster Plus/Mac 4.0, pg. 189
- Instant Library of Quotations 1.0, pg. 189
- Expert Backgammon 1.85, pg. 189
- MasterFinder 1.0, pg. 189
- Peacock 2.0, pg. 190
- ScriptEdit 2.0, pg. 190
- Protector Shark 1.1, pg. 190
- References:
- PC WEEK -- 27-May-91, Vol. 8, #21
- Macworld -- Jun-91
- ..
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